A Service of the Church

The Wind and the Web

Protect all of your Internet Enabled Devices from Explicit Content on the Internet


Our vision for this service is that no person, no family, and no community has to deal with the ramifications of pornography use or explicit content when it comes to using the internet in your home or on your cell phone.
We believe the church needs to step up and stop being quiet about this issue and start helping people break free from this addiction.

Who Needs This

This service is for absolutely everyone - not simply for the people who are struggling or have struggled with pornography addiction. We are in the business of radically changing our homes, our communities, and our churches. Our hope is for everyone to have the ability to use the internet without the possibility of accessing explicit content. This is how the internet should be, and by putting on these protections we can make it that way.

What does this look like

We teach people how to set up protections on their home internet and also their cell phones. We do this by filtering the search results of your browser at the home router or adding a VPN to a cellular device in order that every home or mobile device is returning safe search results.
There are free products we use as well as a paid one with even tighter restrictions. We have done several hours of research on these products as well as use them with our own families.
1.) Clean Browsing is a free DNS Based filtering product. By changing the DNS settings on your home internet you can restrict access to adult content.
Clean Browsing
2.) Qustodio is a an all in one paid software that can run on cell phones, computers and tablets. It provides more tighter restrictions not only for adult content but application blocking and time limits.

Next Steps

We will show you how to set up these protections, configure them, and troubleshoot them. We are here to be a resource to you.
Setting up these services can be done with scheduled home visits, phone conversations, video calls, or having you over to our home.
We would also encourage you to tell your neighbors and friends, as we are also wanting to help our community.
Click below and take the next step to contact us today